Prospective of e-learning toolkit enhanced by ict development
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 23 September 2014
- Published on 23 September 2014
- Hits: 4755
V.V. Dik, Dr. Sci. (Economy), Professor,Synergy University, Moscow, Russia.
A.I. Urintsov, Dr. Sci. (Economy), Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Moscow, Russia.
N.V. Dneprovskaya, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Moscow, Russia.
I.V. Pavlekovskaya, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Moscow, Russia
Purpose. Study of the prospects for the application of ICT to develop learning management systems (LMS) supporting individual learning trajectories for students.
Methodology. This study carried out case analysis of e-learning in depth, based on the papers of Russian e-learning researchers E. Makarenkova [1] and D. Chistov [2]. Psychology of education was taken into account to discover the learning process as an individual extraction of new knowledge from idea to its formalization. The results of psychologists were used in the implementation of Decision Support System (DSS) as an approach to develop the proposed LMS.
Findings. IT companies offer variety of information and communication technologies (ICT) for learning and management of education system. Thanks to ICT the impressive quality progress of training and education was achieved. But there are still a lot of uncovered opportunities to education improvement for public, learners and institutions. ICT makes it possible to revise the whole learning process of an individual. Nowadays, we are able to consider the theme of individual educational trajectories. Development of LMS with the approach of DSS allows us to design individual educational trajectory without additional costs for students and lecturers. However, the university has some expenditure on the establishment of this appropriate to their LMS.
Originality. We have combined the achievements of DSS and educational psychology to solve problems in e-learning. The study has discovered new prospects in the design of individual trajectories in education.
Practical value. The information and communication technologies for learning and education management have been analyzed. We have found that significant progress in the development of education was achieved through information and communication technologies, but left many untapped opportunities to improve learning for all participants: community, students, and teachers. Analysis of the practical application of information technology DSS revealed that its use allows us to develop LMS realizing individual trajectory without additional financial costs for students and teachers.
1. Makarenkova, Ye.V. (2011), Setevaya Ekonomika[Network Economy], Eurasian Open Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Макаренкова Е.В. Сетевая экономика / Макаренкова Е.В. – М.: ЕАОИ, 2011.
2. Chistov, D., Andreev, I. and Gladshtein, I. (2013), “Some results of the “1C” pilot project to use cloud services in education”, Information technology in the financial and economic sphere: the past, present and future, Proc. of the International Research Conference, 1C Publishing, Moscow, pp.74–80.
Чистов Д.В. Некоторые результаты реализации пилотного проекта фирмы „1С“ по использованию облачных сервисов в учебном процессе: материалы международной научной конференции / под ред. О.В. Голосова, Д.В. Чистова // Информационные технологии в финансово-экономической сфере: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. – М.:1C-Паблишинг, 2013. – С.74–80.
3. Tikhomirova, N.V. and Tikhomirov, V.P. (2012), Rossiya na puti k smart-obshchestvu [Russia on the Way to Smart Society], Monograph, IDO press, Moscow, Russia.
Россия на пути к Smart-обществу: монография / под ред. Н.В. Тихомировой, В.П. Тихомирова. – М.: НП „Центр развития современных образовательных технологий“, 2012. – 280с.
4. Dneprovskaya, N. and Koretskaya, I. (2013), “The influence of ICT on the communication of knowledge in academia”, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, vol. 1 of 2013, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited UK, pp. 114–121.
5. Urintsov, A.I. (2003), “Multi-users hierarchical distributed economical informational system as the instrument for the on-line adaptation of the economics entity”, Pribory i SystemyUpravleniya, no. 12, pp. 52–66.
Уринцов А.И. Многопользовательская иерархическая распределенная экономическая информационная система как средство оперативной адаптации субъекта экономики / А.И. Уринцов // Приборы и системы. Управление, контроль, диагностика. – 2003. – №12.–С.52–66.
7. Urintsov, A.I. and Sitnov, A.A. (2013), Instrumentalnye sredstva upravleniya i adaptatsyi ekonomicheskikh sistem na osnove operatsyonnogo audita [Management Tools and Adaptation of Economic Systems Based on Operational Audit], Eurasian Open Institute, Monograph, Moscow, Russia.
Уринцов А.И. Инструментальные средства управления и адаптации экономических систем на основе операционного аудита / А.И.Уринцов, А.А.Ситнов – М.: ЕАОИ, 2013.– 512с.
8. Urintsov, A.I. (2003), “Regarding usage of the EPSS system as the instrument for on-line adaptation of the Decision Maker”, Pribory i SystemyUpravleniya, no.11, pp. 63–66.
Уринцов А.И. Об использовании EPSS-систем, как инструментария оперативной адаптации ЛПР / А.И. Уринцов // Приборы и системы. Управление, контроль, диагностика. – 2003. – №11.–С.63–66.
9. Urintsov, A. and Dik, V. (2008), Sistemy formirovaniya i prinyatiya resheniy v usloviyakh informatizatsyi obshchestva [System formation and decision-making in the information society], monograph, Eurasian Open Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Уринцов А.И. Системы формирования и принятия решений в условиях информатизации общества: монография / А.И.Уринцов, В.В.Дик – М.: Евразийский открытый институт, 2008. – 224 с.
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