Evaluation of pore space structures of carbonate rocks by results of acoustic research under variable pressure

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I.M. Bezrodna, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Researcher, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Senior Researcher of Scientific Research Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Geophysics, Geological Faculty, Kyiv, Ukraine


Purpose.Varying types of porosity patterns study of Devonian carbonate rocks of three Volyno-Podillya areas based on elastic waves velocity measurement and open porosity study under conditions of variable pressure results.

Methodology. The original facility of ultrahigh pressure has been used for experimental petrophysical investigations (measuring of the velocity of longitudinal waves and open porosity). Laboratory studies process was performed with increasing the pressure from 1 to 60 MPa and inversely at its decrease to 1 MPa. Interpretation of laboratory studies was performed using an original technique which allows inverting the data speeds into the model of the hollow space structure (to define cavities formats and their concentration).

Findings. The regularities of longitudinal waves’ velocity changes under hydrostatic compression of samples were investigated. We have determined that the kinds of curves vary for carbonate rocks with different structure and lithology. Based on the interpretation of laboratory data the formats of cavities and their concentration values were calculated for each sample at various stages of compression; the structure of pore space was determined. Based on the different cavity formats specters and their concentration determination according to the data received by acoustic investigations, we have fulfilled quantitative evaluation of part of different types of porosity (granular, fractured, cavernous and secondary) in general porosity. The quantitative patterns of changes in the types and concentrations of cavities under variable pressure conditions have been determined. The exploitability of reservoir rocks under compression may significantly deteriorate and be lost completely.


Originality. We used the modern interpretive techniques of acoustic data inversion into the model of pore space structure for geological structure of carbonate rocks based on the results of research of their behavior under variable pressures conditions.


Practical value. Determination of the structure of pore space and porosity types of carbonate rocks under different pressure conditions makes it possible to allocate the complicated reservoir rocks at large depths and to predict their exploitability


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