Effectiveness of thermomechanical calibration and determination of residual stresses in the shell nose cone of Cyclone-4

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D.G. Sherstiuk, Oles Honchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, postgraduate student, Physics and Engineering Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

A.V. Kulik, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Oles Honchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Lecturer of the Physics and Engineering Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

Ye.A. Soshnikov, Public Joint Stock Company “Ukrainian Research Institute of Manufacturing Engineering”, Head of Sector, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

A.M. May, State Enterprise “Production Association Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant named after A.M. Makarov”, Head of Technology Sector, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Comparative characteristics of the results of mathematical modeling with experimental data and mathematical treatment of the results of the thermo-mechanical calibration.

The complexity of the design of the fairing shells PH “Cyclone-4”, high cost, large dimensions of articles (diameter of 3000–4000 mm), and typical physico-mechanical characteristics of the materials used require to provide an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of the technologies used in the production process.

Methodology. The paper compares the experimental and calculated parameters of the process of thermomechanical calibration of shells, the large thin-walled structures fairing RN “Cyclone-4”, and assesses its degree of effectiveness depending on the previous technological influences on the product.

The annealing in the fixing device (thermo-mechanical calibration) can be an effective way to deal with the strains in cases where the product is brewed from high-strength material.

Findings. Mathematical treatment of the results of the thermo-mechanical calibration showed sufficient agreement between the experimental and calculated values. The analysis of the experimental data showed the adequacy of the evidence in the process of thermo-mechanical strain gauge calibration.

Determination of the validity of the mathematical model based on an experiment allows us to conclude that the high efficiency method of correction of ellipticity and straightness of oversized shells form depends on the magnitude and distribution of residual stresses produced during the previous production stages.

Analytical calculations and numerical modeling of thermo-mechanical calibration make it clear that the additional annealing treatment is required to relieve residual stresses.

Originality. We have found out that taking into account of all the technological effects during production process improves the efficiency of the thermomechanical calibration and increases the accuracy of the final product.

Practical value. The results can be used for modification of the existing technology of thermomechanical processing of large thin-walled structures, such as shell fairing, RN “Cyclone-4”, and increasing their overall efficiency.




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Manufacture-tracking sheet: Site 94.7300.1220.0340. 00.0, workshop No.87, verified and corrected with the standard 25.09.12, Dnepropetrovsk, “Uzmash”, 15 р.


8. Маршрутно-технологический паспорт: Корпус 94.7300.1220.0240.00.0, цех №87, сверен и откорректирован с эталоном 07.12.12 – Днепропетровск: ПО ГП „Южмаш“ им. А.М.Макарова. – 2012. – 25 с.


Manufacture-tracking sheet [Text]: Site 94.7300.1220.0240.00.0, workshop No.87, verified and corrected with the standard 07.12.12 - Dnepropetrovsk, “Uzmash”, 25 р.

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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.1 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Effectiveness of thermomechanical calibration and determination of residual stresses in the shell nose cone of Cyclone-4