Investigation of reinforced cement stone cracking resistance for casing oil and gas wells

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V.I. Hrymaniuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, postgraduate student of the Department of Drilling, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Designing of criterion, which gives the opportunity to define quantitative and attribute behavior of cement stone cracking resistance. Researching of how organic and inorganic admixtures in cement composition influence on the cement stone mechanical properties.

Methodology. With the help of the setting that allows controlling crack expansion, we have built graphs of the cement stone load. According to that graph we have proposed the principles of the cement stone cracking resistance factor determination.

Findings. The analysis of industrial information and conducted calculations showed that risks of cement stone crack appear on the stage of construction of a well. We have defined that cement stone cracking resistance factors, previously determined by other researchers, depend on the load measured while testing. It gives no opportunity to use them for comparing evaluation of cement stone cracking resistance. With the help of modernized plant for determining of the cement stone cracking resistance we have found the work, which was spent on the cement sample damage on different stages of crack expansion. For evaluation of the cement stone ability to resist the crack expansion in the cement stone, we propose that the cracking resistance factor should be more than 1.1. To achieve this value some organic fiber should be added to the slurry. It allows us to increase the strength of the cement stone 2–2.5 times as compared with the cement stone without additives. It has been shown that chrysotile-asbestos fiber can also be used to increase the cement stone cracking resistance when its concentration is more than 0.7%. It was shown that the cement stone without additives cannot create any cracking resistance in the zone of made crack.

Originality. Proposed method of cracking resistance evaluation does not depend on experiment conditions. It has high accuracy of results and allows evaluating energetic properties of cement stone cracking.

Practical value. Use of the new evaluation criterion of the cement stone cracking resistance allows us to fulfill quite accurate analysis of the reinforced cement stone resilience characteristics.




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