Decomposition of images of aggregated elements in dispersive formations by their structure

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Т.А. Ruzova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


V.I. Yeliseyev, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.),Senior Research Fellow, Dnepropetrovsk National University of O. Gonchar, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


A.P. Tolstopyat, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

L.A. Fleyer, O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The main problems of the micro objects measuring by their video images are: low contrast, lack of lighting, background noisiness, and the presence of aggregated structures. The incorrect processing leads to substantial distortion of the measuring results.  

Purpose. To create the method for segmentation of aggregated structures of spherical particles (emulsion drops) in dispersive formations. The method is to be resistant to image noises and to allow processing aggregates of complex shape.

Methodology. The method includes several steps: source image filtering, converting it to monochrome mode, evaluating coordinates of aggregate’s boundary points, and making skeleton on the base of Zhang–Suen algorithm. The connecting points are defined as the narrowest places of examined aggregate (necks). To find connecting points, we propose to work in special function on each skeleton branch. This function characterizes the width of aggregate area corresponding to the examined branch in given point. The particles connecting points are defined as points of local minimum for mentioned function. Low-frequency filter have been used for smoothing function and decrease boundary noises influence. We have developed the method for correcting this function in order to smooth errors of object’s boundary raster representation.

The effect of the method is illustrated at model images as well as at the images of real emulsion fragments (type II emulsions, water in oil).




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