Geo-ecological analysis of geological environment of oil-contaminated areas of the railway objects

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I.M. Senyuschenkova, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Civil Engineering”, Professor, Moscow, Russia.

A.D. Potapov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Civil Engineering”, Professor, Moscow, Russia.

O.O. Novikova, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Civil Engineering”, Moscow, Russia.


Purpose. To carry out the geo-ecological analysis of the geological environment of the oil-contaminated areas of the railway on the example of railway objects located in the city of Bryansk.

Methodology. We have made quarterly measurements of the ground water level in monitoring wells, and monthly water sampling for oil products content analysis.

Findings. We have considered the geological structure of oil-contaminated areas near the railway facilities, developed and implemented geo-environmental monitoring program and provided a brief overview of the hydro-geological and hydrological conditions. We have determined that the geological structure of the area along with the man-made changes in the landscape contribute to the penetration of oil into the soil and groundwater. The main contributors to pollution are the companies specialized on collection, storage, transit, and processing of oil products, which have been operating about forty years. They form a single pollution focus. Its total area is bigger than the area of industrial sites.

Originality. We have determined the features of distribution of contaminants in the geologic environment.

Practical value. The geo-environmental monitoring data allow us to develop recommendations for the placement of objects and estimation of the change of the strength properties of soil and building structures serving the base of plants. 




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