Features of structure formation of electrodeposited alloys Fe-Ni Results of the studies of the impact interaction of lumpy rock mass with lining effective surface of machines
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- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 29 July 2014
- Published on 17 October 2013
- Hits: 3639
Ye.V. Kolesnik, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Materials Science, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Purpose. To determine the features of structure formation of electrodeposited alloys Fe-Ni depending on the concentration of nickel ions in the sulphate electrolyte.
Methodology. Electrodeposited 50 mm thick coatings by Fe-Ni alloys were applied onto low-carbon steel at the temperature 55–57°C and cathode current density 10 A/dm2 from the sulphate electrolyte with the concentration of iron (II) ions – 80 g/l, nickel (II) ions – 1–20 g/l, pH 2–3. X-ray phase analysis of 50 mm thick coatings by Fe-Ni alloys, electrodeposited from sulphate electrolyte, was performed at DRON-3 modernized diffractometer in copper radiation without separation of coatings from the substrate. Crystallographic texture of the samples was estimated by diffractograms, texture curves and invert pole figures. Microstructure of surface was investigated by the method of scanning by electron microscope REM-106I in the mode of secondary electrons.
Findings. It is shown, that the insertion of nickel ions into sulphate iron-plating electrolyte causes the formation of solid solutions based on a-Fe lattice in the electrodeposited coatings, that are characterized by the axial texture <111>, the fraction and the perfection of which increases with the growth of the concentration of nickel in the electrolyte. By the example of iron-nickel coatings the possibility of the formation of spherulites in electrodeposited alloys has been shown. We have found that the formation of the axial texture <111> in electrodeposited Fe-Ni alloys is accompanied by the appearance of spherulites in their structure.
Originality. The influence of the concentration of nickel ions in the electrolyte on structure formation of electrodeposited Fe-Ni alloys has been discovered, the spherulites have been found in their structure. The interdependence between the form of growth of crystals and characteristics of crystallographic texture of the alloys has been found.
Practical value. The obtained results show the possibility of the purposeful formation of certain crystallographic texture in electrodeposited Fe-Ni alloys, which can be used for restoration of the dimensions of depreciated machine components in the mining, metal-working industries and in machine-building.
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