Research of the dynamic characteristics of the device for hydro pulse action on coal layer

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Yu.A. Zhulay, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Leading Researcher, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

A.A. Potapenko, State Enterprise “Donbasskaya Ugolnaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya”, General Manager, Donetsk, Ukraine.


To increase the efficiency of measures preventing the sudden outbursts of coal and gas and methane explosions in mines, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics (IGTM) of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has developed the method and the device for hydro pulse action on coal layers, providing qualitative implementation of these measures.

Purpose. Determination of the character of dynamical characteristics of the device for hydro loosening of coal layers (UGIV) and cavitation generator of fluid pressure elastic oscillations (KG) and their comparative analysis.

Methodology. The study was based on experimentally obtained dependencies of frequency and size of fluid pressure on backup value within the variation range from 1 to 12 MPa that allows determining the behavior of KG and UGIV and making their comparison.

Findings. The experimental dynamic characteristics of KG and UGIV and their behavior have been determined.

Originality. Reduction of pressure pulsations of UGIV in comparison with ones of KG has been substantiated for the first time, the nature of resonance at amplitude-frequency characteristics of the hole simulating pipeline has been determined.

Practical value. The examination of the mentioned dependences confirms the possibility of improvement of efficiency of hydro loosening and degassing of an outburst-prone coal layer having occurrence depth up to 1000 m in the areas with low hydraulic permeability. 




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