Justification of the development parameters for uranium deposits of Mongolia

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В. Zhanchiv, general manager of Uranium Energy Company Mon-Atom Ulan-Bator city, Mongolia


D.V. Rudakov , Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk city, Ukraine

O.Y. Khomenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

L. Tsendzhav, employee of Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulan-Bator city, Mongolia


Purpose. To justify the geotechnical parameters for preparation mode and schemes of development of hydrogenic uranium deposits in Mongolia by the underground in-situ leaching method.

Methods. Physical and mathematical modeling of leachates during in-situ leaching of uranium have been carried out by the finite difference method using software Modflow (Schlumberger WS). The model was verified through comparison with the field data, taking into account hydrogeological conditions of the “Ulzit” deposit in Mongolia and necessary precision of calculations. Engineering and technical foundation of by-layer approach for mining deposits with ore bodies on different depths has been made.

Results. A finite-difference model of uranium leaching for the conditions of hydrogenic deposit “Ulzit” in Mongolia has been developed using the special software Modflow. As a result of modeling the parameters of leachate flow have been evaluated; the changes of uranium concentration in mining blocks were reproduced, which enabled estimating the dynamics of its extraction by pumping wells. The by-layer approach for mining separated ore bodies by grouped wells of changing diameters and depth has been justified; it allows keeping the mined out horizons separated. The parameters of the hexagonal pattern for placing wells for deposits of Mongolia have been evaluated using the MathCad software. The financial expenses for mining uranium are estimated on the example of the “Ulzit” deposit. Application of the by-layer approach for preparing separated ore bodies enables saving of up to $ 2.5 million and reducing of up to 62% of the total time to be spent for mining of reserves. The use of sustainable mining cell radius at the location according to the hexagonal pattern of wells at the “Haraat”, “Khairkhan”, and “Gurvan-Saykhan” deposits allows to save up to $ 0.9 million.

Originality. Increasing efficiency of mining uranium deposits of Mongolia through applying the by-layer approach for preparation of separated ore bodies using the wells placed by hexagonal pattern.

Practical value.Justification of parameters of hexagonal pattern of wells location in underground leaching of uranium under the conditions of Mongolia deposits accounting for the time variations of uranium concentration in leachates. The method for calculation of geotechnical parameters of mining uranium deposits using in-situ leaching based on modeling of leachate flow in mined out blocks has been modified. A resource-saving way to prepare separate ore bodies combining the wells of different diameters and filter designs has been proposed.




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