Geological and structural features of exogenous-infiltration uranium deposits in the Ingulo-Inguletsky uranium ore region of the Ukrainian shield

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A.A. Kalashnyk, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), State Enterprise “Kirovgeologiya”, Chief Geophysicist, Kirovograd, Ukraine


Purpose. To study the geological and structural features of exogenous-infiltration uranium deposits of the Ingulo-Inguletsky ore region in order to develop new criteria for prospecting this type of uranium deposits and to increase the efficiency of prospecting and build-up of cost-effective strong uranium resource base of the Ukraine.

Methodology. The analysis of geological and structural terms of exogenous-infiltration uranium deposits formation in the carbonaceous structure of Palaeogene of the Ingulo-Inguletsky ore district of the Ukrainian Shield has been executed. Features of lithological-and-facies complexes of the main uranium deposits of above-noted type have been analyzed. The information concerning their connection with deep faults in the rocks of crystalline shield has been generalized.

Findings. The possible sources of ore substance cave been considered based on the study of laws of uranium and concomitant elements distribution in the rocks of different age and in the zones of deep faults influencing the metallogeny of uranium in rocks of sedimentary cover. Close connection of exogenous-infiltration uranium deposits of the Ingulo-Inguletsky ore region with neotectonic displacements of long-living faults of the latitudinal extent in the segments crossing the paleovalleys of the middle Eocene age has been determined. We have found the signs proving that the main part of uranium content of multicomponent ores of exogenous-infiltration deposits of the Ingulo-Inguletsky ore region has been formed as a result of the inflow of solutions from ore-bearing fault zones of paleovalleys.

Originality. The endogenous tectonic factor has decisive impact on the formation of the ore-forming systems of uranium deposits of exogenous-infiltration type of the Ingulo-Inguletsky ore region. This factor together with the exogenous factors of ore formation predetermines common factors of distribution and conditions of localization of exogenous-infiltration uranium deposits in sediments of the middle Eocene age.

Practical value. The association of industrial uranium-bearing deposits of the middle Eocene age with the zones of ancient tectonic faults, which has been exposed to the neotectonic displacements, should be considered as an objective criterion for further effective prospecting. Using regional tectonic and other factors of ore formation we have selected new promising areas in the Ingulo-Inguletsky ore region, where new parts of paleodepressions and new small paleodepressions containing industrial uranium deposits can be probably discovered.




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