Comparative analysis of methods of calculation of dedusting cyclone operational parameters

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O.S. Kovrov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Cyclones are the most common devices for dry mechanical cleaning of technological gases from dust particles. Considering the widespread use of cyclones in modern industrial processes, the main question of the appropriateness of their application is reasonable and reliable design procedure for main technological parameters, the dust collection efficiency in particular. The analysis of domestic and international design techniques for centrifugal dust collectors is useful for the development of theory and practice in the field of gas and dust emissions control and atmosphere protection.

Purpose. To assess advantages and disadvantages of the domestic and foreign design procedures of centrifugal dust collector operating parameters.

Methodology. The article is based on the analytical study of alternative methods for design techniques of cyclone dust collectors and evaluation of their fractional and overall efficiency.

Findings. The comparative analysis of domestic engineering technique and international Lapple technique for assessment of centrifugal dust collector efficiency has been carried out. Typical engineering design of fractional and overall efficiency of a cyclone based on the different engineering techniques has been carried out. Domestic technique is based on the selection of a particular type of cyclone considering qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the gas and dust dispersion. An alternative technique of Lapple uses the semi-empirical approach that allows calculate the fractional and overall dust collection efficiency for high-performance, standard and high-production cyclone according to the diameter of its cylindrical part.

Originality. The analysis of different approaches with respect to engineering design of cyclones helps us to determine the priority and impact of certain process parameters on the efficiency of dust collection.

Practical value. The Lapple technique is a modern algorithm for selection and justification of cyclones that takes into consideration more stringent environmental requirements regarding capturing small and medium-sized dust particles, which are hazardous to environment and human life safety. This engineering technique is suitable for implementation into the training curriculum of specialists in the field of air pollution control, and design of ventilation and gas cleaning.




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