Development of methods and models of inaccuracy minimization of the machine-to-human interaction in automated systems of professional readiness level diagnostics

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N.O. Rizun, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Alfred Nobel University Dnipropetrovs'k, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To increase the level of reliability of computer testing of specialists in the sphere of professional training. To formalize mathematical models and algorithms of inaccuracies of machine-to-human interaction in all the links of data exchange system in the information network of automated system of diagnostics of professional readiness quality.

Methodology. We have used the methods of system analysis and of general theory of systems, and the main thesis of the theory of measuring and automated control.

Findings. We have carried out the structural analysis of the reasons of misinformation in the system of automated testing and the classification of parameters of evaluation of information authenticity in the metric channels of data exchange in the information network of testing control of professional readiness. We have developed the criteria of evaluation of information authenticity, adaptive algorithms and mathematic models of minimization of inaccuracies in the measurement of machine-to-human interaction in the exchange tracks of information and telecommunication networks of automated testing control systems.

Originality. We have stated and solved the reliability and preciseness increase problem concerning the methods of control and provision of information authenticity by means of developing the methodology of minimization of measurement inaccuracies in the systems of machine-to-human interaction, which are used for testing the professional readiness quality.

Practical value. We havereceived a scientifically grounded toolset, which is a system of models and algorithms of minimization of irreversible information losses in the exchange tracks of information and telecommunication networks. The toolset is aimed at the complex phased increase of the main indices of diagnostics quality: reliability and validity of a test, effective organization of a testing session and objectivity of testing results identification. We have developed a tool defining the empiric superposition of the law of inaccuracies distribution on the basis of entropic coefficient and antikurtosis.



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Taranenko I.K. and Rizun N.O. Patent of Ukraine. The Mobile System of Teaching with Using Computer Testing: Patent No. 64481. Ukraine: MPK G06F 7/00. Patent holders: Taranenko, I.K., Rizun, N.O., No. u201104361, declared on April 11, 2011, published on November 10, 2011, bulletin no. 21/2011.

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