Analytical evaluation of the degree of rock massif cooling in deep mine by means of borehole preceding the face of the development heading

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Authors: V.A. Boyko, O.A. Boyko
The mathematical model of cooling action for rock massif on the way of penetration of development working as a way of deep mine excavation microclimate normalization. Cooling of the rock massif is carried out by means of water removing heat from borehole advanced the face of development working. With the help of mathematical physics apparatus it has been made an analytical description of the heat transfer process performed by the surface of the walls due to the natural temperature of rock surrounding the borehole and convective heat transfer of the water in the borehole according to the Newton law. It has been calculated the amount of heat to be abstracted from the massif to create a heat equalizing shell of development working.
2010_11-12 Boyk
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.11-12 2010 Environmental safety, labour protection Analytical evaluation of the degree of rock massif cooling in deep mine by means of borehole preceding the face of the development heading