A substitution of calculation methods for a contact stresses rock compression

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Authors: D.L. Vasilev, Yu.M. Us, Yu.A. Kostandov, A.A. Potapenko, A.A. Angelovskiy, I.F. Chugunkov
It is executed a search of the most satisfying to equilibrium equations and experimental data regularities between contact normal tensions and tangent ones in the moment of destruction of samples. The comparative evaluation of two calculation methods is given, with the use of experimental data of the contact friction coefficient dependence on specific loading of rock, one of which increasingly corresponds to the experimental observations.
2010_09-10 Vasil
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.9-10 2010 Solid-state physics, mineral processing A substitution of calculation methods for a contact stresses rock compression