Determination of losses from the high-frequency current pulsations of power active compensators

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Authors: A.A. Kolb
On the basis of analysis of chart of substitution and vector diagram of transformer in the mode of the forced magnetizing of secondary winding of pulsating constituent of current of power active compensator it has been got the methods of calculation of losses in steel of transformer from the pulsating constituent of current of power active compensators on the demagnetizing action of vertical currents taking into account uneven distribution of induction on the section of sheet. It has been set that power from the pulsating constituent of current PAC, taken in by volume of transformer's steel, proportional to the maximal value of electromagnetic energy, conditioned by this current, and frequency of commutation of the keys of inverter, grows with diminishing of depth of penetration of hertzian wave.
2010_06 Kolb
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.6 2010 Power supply technologies Determination of losses from the high-frequency current pulsations of power active compensators