Features of Mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunication services market taking into consideration native and international practice

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Authors: V.V. Tronko 
The activization processes of corporate concentration through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) mechanisms in one of the most dynamic market segments in Ukraine and in the world, telecommunication services market, are reviewed in the article. Prerequisites for M&A deals enlargement through globalization of world economic connections and society informatization have been defined. M&A’s features, as corporate consolidation forms, are marked out. It has been analyzed M&A peculiarities during world financial crisis and before it. Regional and sectorial priorities of telecommunication services market development in Ukraine and in the world have been marked out. Specific character of competitive environment in domestic telecommunication services market has been defined. Compliances of M&A trends in Ukraine and in the world have been substantiated.
2010_06 Tron
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.6 2010 Economy and management Features of Mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunication services market taking into consideration native and international practice