Ways of impulse washing of wells

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Authors: A.A. Kozhevnikov, N.T. Filimonenko
For the first time it has been presented the classification of the ways of impulse washing of wells with reference to symmetric pulses of fluid supply, and also differentiation of its frequencies on the baseline of commensurability of time of two processes: the rotation process of the rock destruction tools and the washing process. The possible forms of the pulses of the fluid supply have been given. New possibilities of application of the offered classification to regulate the classification of the devices for the creation of the impulse washing holes and to concretize the frequency content of the impulse feeding which are favorable for an effective processes flowing of the work cycle of the construction of the hole have been presented.
2010_06 Kozh
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 173.62 KB Download 1055
Tags: classificationimpulsefrequencywellwashingfluid


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