Signs of transition of locomotive in skidding while braking by devices with limited friction moment on wheel

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Authors: V.V. Protsiv, O.Ye. Honchar. 

Theoretical research of the mine joint-joined locomotive has been conducted in the mode of braking by the devices realizing brake force in the point of contact of wheel with a rail. The terms of locking of wheels by a brake moment, exceeding friction descriptions of contact, and also signs of transition of locomotive, in braking skidding have been ascertained. It is well-proven that sharp height after 1 s in relation to sliding of wheels on rails from 1,5 % to 50 %, as well as increase of relative divergence of linear speeds of wheels or difference in the angel speeds of rotation of hauling engines of sections on 50 % it is the sign of beginning braking skidding at braking by the systems realizing brake force in the point of contact of wheels with rails, and can be used for the exposure of moment of time of locking of wheels.
2010_05 Prots
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.5 2010 Mechanization of mining production, mining machines and systems, mining mechanical engineering Signs of transition of locomotive in skidding while braking by devices with limited friction moment on wheel