Technological parameters and circuits of development at final stage of opening of deposits of rocky building materials

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Authors: V.I. Symonenko, V.D. Kirnos, A.V. Mostyka, L.S. Hrytsenko. 

In view of modern trends of development of rocky building material deposits for conditions of Ukraine perspective technological circuits of their development and opening with use of mobile (mobile) crushers have been considered. A substantiation of circuits in concordance with industrial and economic criteria (duration of driving of opening trenches, specific capital mining investments, operating costs for extraction of unit of a useful mineral) has caused expediency of application of the technological circuit with primary and secondary rock shattering in career, delivery of broken muck by conveyor to superficial sorting installations where her division into fractions of final product and shipping to consumers is happen. On the basis of the proved circuit of development parameters of opening of deposits have been showed. Research results have beeng approved in NMU at designing of development of Odarovskoe deposit of granite.
2010_05 Sym
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