Use of complex of geological-geophysical methods in system of complex ecological monitoring of territories, nearby to storages of radioactive wastes

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Authors: Bilashenko O.H., Tiapkin O.K.
The modern status of complex ecological monitoring systems of regions of development of nuclear-fuel cycle objects is analyzed. The information about the basic storage of waste of enrichment of uranium raw material at the centre of the Dnepropetrovsk region is generalized. On the basis of the results of carried out complex radiological researches near the biggest storages of radioactive waste of the Industrial association “Pridniprovsk chemical factory” (Dneprodzerzhynsk) the complex of geological-geophysical methods for the radioecological block of regional system of complex ecological monitoring is developed.
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.4 2010 Geology Use of complex of geological-geophysical methods in system of complex ecological monitoring of territories, nearby to storages of radioactive wastes