The use is small inertia sensors of methane in the automatic gas checking systems

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Authors: Holinko V.I., Kotliarov O.K.
The results of researches, directed on the increase reliability apparatus gas control are resulted. It is shown that to promote the fast-acting of controls possibly at the simultaneous use in the analyzers of methane two sensors. A basic sensor must be highly stable, but relatively inertia, for example termo-catalytic sensor, and auxiliary – little inertia optical or ultrasonic. The chart of apparatus gas control is resulted with the use two sensors methane and grounded them basic parameters.
2010_4 Golinko
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 220.06 KB Download 1334


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.4 2010 Aerology and labour protection The use is small inertia sensors of methane in the automatic gas checking systems