System analysis of the information exchange during emergencies in mines

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V.I. Muraveynik, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution“National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine

I.A. Shaykhlislamova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To identify systemic factors affecting the exchange of information between the rescuers (source) and staff (receptor) during the rescue work in the mine.

Methodology. The theoretical methods applied included: the theoretical analysis of the symbolic model, the methods of abstraction, formalization, axioms, deduction, induction, and the experimental methods were: development of a landmark model for information exchange between the source and receptor.

FindingsThe sign model showing the exchange of information between the rescuers (source) and staff (a receptor of information) during the rescue work in the mine has been created. Systems analysis of the model revealed 30 factors that influence the effectiveness of the rapid exchange of information between the source and receptor. In analyzing the model we have taken into account the processes occurring within the source and receptor systems, as well as external factors. The internal factors include: the internal entropy of information, its change in time, information noise in the systems, changes in the systems as information-carrying medium, coding and appearing of elements of disinformation, the impact of imperfections in the source and receptor systems, the scattering of information within the systems, the psycho-physical factors, partial decoding of information, change of information during its assimilation in the source and receptor systems, information security, etc. External factors include the information turbulence, scattering and leakage in the transmission medium, entropy, the introduction of external information noise, special disinformation, changes of the transmission medium, etc.

It is shown that the total effect of the identified factors make the adequate exchange of information between the source of information (rescuers) and receptor (HQ) impossible. We have made the conclusion about the need to find new principles for emergency communication between the mine and the surface.

Originality. Theoretical analysis of the signmodel of information exchange between the source and the receptor revealed systemic factors affecting the exchange of information between rescuers and the headquarters during rescue work in the mine. It showed the inadequacy and the difficulty of exchange of operational information between the source and receptor.

Practical valueResults of the studies are recommended to use for improvement of the emergency information system of mines.


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Date 2013-12-24 Filesize 410.52 KB Download 1375


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