Features of mine geotechnical and electromechanical systems reliability evaluation based on mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic processes

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N.A. Ikonnikovа, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Metrology and Information and Measurement Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To carry out the mathematical modeling of dynamic processes to solve the problems of geotechnical systems state assessment.

Methodology. Studies were carried out through an integrated approach to the assessment of the static and dynamic state of mining technical systems by improving the methods of mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic processes, numerical spectral analysis of the results of the field measurements received by means of new and standard methods, and subsequent statistical treatment of the results.

Findings. The features of mathematical modeling in deterministic-chaotic systems have been determined including options, criteria and allowable errors of iterations. From the practical point of view the simulation allows us to take into account the number of elements in the system, specific masses and spring linkage between the elements, the variety of these links, to set virtually anystimulating influences, and to evaluate the response to these effects by models of the dynamic processes in geo-technical and geo-mechanical systems. We have substantiated the parameters of the chaos generator for full-scale modeling of random effects. We have developed and tested the original program of Lorentz oscillator with parametric coefficients of a series of numbers 2±k for the microcontroller. Its distinctive feature consists in the scaling operation which uses transfer byte operands. This reduced the time spent calculations and allowed the modeling of effects of deterministic chaos in real time.

Originality. The mathematical models of dynamic processes in the form of simple, fully-connected, with predetermined nonlinearities of k-mass systems of the pendulum have been developed. We have obtained mathematical expressions for determination of the system elements trajectories to predict the dynamic state of the system ‘mining technical object – rock massif’.

Practical value. Mathematical models developed by the author allowed us to carry out modeling of dynamic processes to determine the parameters of the blast hole walls cutting in order to increase the load-bearing capacity of frame and anchor bolting in development workings conducted in unstable rocks in deep mines. Based on this, we have developed and introduced the patented method of fastening of anchors in the rock of mine tunnel. “Guidelines for rapid determination of the elastic and strength properties of untreated samples of rock and structural elements geo-composite structures by nondestructive method of testing” have been created.


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