Train braking mode

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N.A. Lubenets, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Senior Lecturer, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

T.N. Lubenets, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", student, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To establish functional dependence of braking distance and allowable speed of a train move on its movement parameters in various conditions. Currently existing methods do not take into account the changes in the speed of the train during the time of preparation to the action of the brakes. This imperfection is caused by the wrong interpretation of the term ‘tormozheniye’, which is considered as a decrease of the speed during braking action which, in fact, is incorrect.

Methodology. The dependencies have been obtained by means of generally accepted analytical methods with application of laws and equations of motion and take into account the real processes occurring in the brake system.

Findings. The functional dependences of braking distance and allowable speed of a train move on its movement parameters have been substantiated. The considered parameters are partially determined by the intensity of the train movement at the stopping segment during preparation of the brakes to the action. They take into account movement speed in the moment when braking starts, time of preparation of brakes, conventional acceleration during the preparation time and time of application of braking force, and standard braking length.

Originality. The suggested dependences describe correctly the relationships between the parameters of the train movement during braking and are linked with the equation of motion. Authors have substantiated the need to bring the current interpretation of the term ‘tormozheniye’, which is derived from the Greek word ‘tormos’, to its true meaning, which is not associated with the decrease in the speed of the machine during braking but with its deceleration.

Practical value. Use of the obtained dependences in training courses and in train operating calculations for braking mode control can improve the quality of education and the safety of trains exploitation.


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