Decentralized management for solution of specific energy consumption minimization problem

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V.V. Tkachov, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Automation and Computer Systems, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine

P.Yu. Ogeyenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Automation and Computer Systems, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.V. Lozovyagin, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Automation and Computer Systems, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine


The problem of networking solution selection for decentralized management system projecting is considered. Requirements for data transfer system in decentralized approach are given. Analysis of several well-known field buses is done. CAN bus use is preferable as the result of analysis. Physical model for CAN possibilities testing experiments is described. Conclusions for researches results are made.


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2. CAN Phisical Layer. – CIA. – 1999. – 43 p.

3. Gruhler G. Very large hierarchical CANopen systems in mining / Gruhler G., Pivnyak G., Tkachev V., Tsvirkun L., Poperechnyy D.-CAN Newslater 4/2004, 48–54 p.

4. Пивняк Г.Г. Децентрализованное управление / Пивняк Г.Г., Проценкo С.Н., Стадник С.М., Ткачев В.В. – Монография. – Д.: НГУ 2007. – 107 с.

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Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 291.51 KB Download 1551


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