Intercommunication between plicate and break violations of coal layers (on example of field of mine “Krasnodarskaya-Yuzhnaya”)

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V.F. Prikhodchenko, Doctor of Geological Science, Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Geology and Survey of Mineral Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

S.I. Shabelnikov, Donbass State Technical University, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Surveying, Geology and Geodesy, Alchevsk, Ukraine

D.V. Tolubets, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Geology and Survey of Mineral Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


On the example of mine “Krasnodarskaya-Yuzhnaya”, located on the territory of Krasnodon coal-bearing area, patterns of variability of small-amplitude disjunctive breaks of the coal beds, depending on the width and amplitude of the compressive disturbances coal-bearing strata are shown. According to the data from mine workings changes in the number of disjunctive dislocations formed during the formation of folded structures, is subject to a polynomial dependence.


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Pavlov I.O. „Exocleat“ in coal seams of west fault of Main anticline of Donbass (characteristics and mechanism of formation) / I.O. Pavlov, V.A. Korchemagin; Scientific edition: Tectonophysics and actual problems of Earth sciences: to the 40th anniversary of the foundation of Tectonophysics laboratory by М.V. Gzovskiy at Institute of Physics of the Earth under Russian Academy of Science: lecture thesises of All-Russian conference, 13–17 october 2008, Institute of Physics of the Earth under Russian Academy of Science, Moskow / Russian Academy of Science, Earth Sciences Department, O.Yu. Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth ; [edited by: А.О. Gliko, Yu.G. Leonov], Vol.1. – М., 2008. – 345 p. – Bibliography at the end of the edition.

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