Determination of the rational place for laying the vent line using numerical models

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A.B. Oleksyuk, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Department of Civil Engineering and Geomechanics, Director of the Mine “Im. V.M. Bazhanova” State Enterprise “Makeevugol”

S.N. Gapeyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Senior Lecturer of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.O. Logunovа, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Research Fellow of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomechanics, Engineer of Land Management and Inventory, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The results of numerical solutions of the problem of stress-deformed state of marginal massif in the vicinity of the central ventilation shaft of the mine “Im. V.M. Bazhanova” are presented. It was found out that the most favorable for assuring minimal radius of inelastic deformation is location of mine working at a depth of 7.0 m under the level of ventilation shaft.


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Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 499.15 KB Download 1407

Tags: marginal massifinclined mine workingnumerical problemstress-deformed statezone of inelastic deformation

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