Study of the filler size influence on bending strength of fiber-reinforced concrete

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V.V. Kovalenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Senior Lecturer of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Results of laboratory tests of prisms with different by size aggregates are presented in the article. Dependences of bending strength and moment of crack appearance in the fibrous concrete specimens on type of aggregate are defined. Diagrams of “load – bending” of considered variants are plotted. An analysis of the results of laboratory studies is fulfilled. The influence of silica microparticles as a mineral additive on the strength properties of fiber-reinforced concrete specimens is shown.


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Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 279.17 KB Download 1398


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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