Neotectonics, geodynamics and seismicity of Precambrian shields (on the example of east part of the Ukrainian shield)

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P.I. Pigulevskiy, Candidate of Geology, Senior Research Fellow, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Geophysics Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The preliminary results of the interpretation of the monitoring data of groundwater hydrodynamic parameters in Dnepropetrovsk oblast for the purpose of tectonic changes forecast in the massifs and determination of earthquake precursors are given. It is shown, that daily standings of a regional surface of underground waters can change both its level and the direction of its trend that specifies variation of water tectonic pressure within the limits of the Ukrainian shield. It is ascertained that variation of the temperature mode of the water in the well No.14431 registers short-term activation of Kryvorizko-Kremenchutskyi deep break. It is noted that local earthquakes are connected with suture zones. The author draws the conclusion about the necessity of creation of the national data base of groundwater hydrodynamic parameters monitoring results in order to study modern tectonic processes in all geological zones of Ukraine.


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2. Пигулевский П.И. К вопросу о сейсмической активности юго-восточной части Украинского щита // Геотехнічна механіка. – 2000. – Вип.17. – С. 302–309.

Pigulevskiy P.I. On the issue of seismic activity of the southeastern part of the Ukrainian Shield // Geotekhnichna mekhanika. – 2000. – Issue 17. – P. 302–309.

3. Пигулевский П.И. К вопросу геолого-геофизического изучения сейсмической активности юго-востока Украинского щита / Пигулевский П.И., Козарь Н.А., Тяпкин О.К. // Науковий вісник НГУ. – Днепропетровск: 2000. – №6 – С. 70–75.

Pigulevskiy P.I. On the issue of geologic and geophysical studying of seismic activity of the southeastern part of the Ukrainian Shield / Pigulevskiy P.I., Kozar N.A., Tyapkin O.K. // Naukovyi visnyk NGU. – Dnipropetrovsk: 2000. – No.6 – P. 70–75.

4. Пигулевский П.И. Использование данных мониторинга гидродеформационных характеристик подземных вод для прогнозирования тектонических процессов в массивах горных пород / Пигулевский П.И., Свистун В.К., Толкунов А.П.// Науч. труды УкрНИМИ НАНУ. Выпуск 5 (часть 2) / Под ред. А.В. Анциферова. – Донецк, 2009. – С. 122–131.

Pigulevskiy P.I. The use of data of the monitoring of hydrodeformation characteristics of underground waters for forecasting of the tectonic processes in rock massif / Pigulevskiy P.I., Svistun V.K., Tolkunov A.P. // Nauch. Trudy UkrNIMI NANU. Issue 5 (Part 2) / Edited by A.V. Antsiferov. – Donetsk, 2009. – P. 122–131.

5. Пигулевский П.И. Первые результаты мониторинга за режимом подземных вод в Днепропетровской области / Пигулевский П.И., Свистун В.К., Чуприна И.С. // Материалы пятой Международной научно-практической конференции „Проблемы природопользования, постоянного развития и техногенной безопасности регионов“. ИППЭ НАНУ. – Днепропетровск: 2009. – С. 170–172.

Pigulevskiy P.I. The first results of the monitoring of the behavior of underground waters in the Dnipropetrovsk area / Pigulevskiy P.I., Svistun V.K., Chuprina I.S. // Materials of the 5th International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Problemy prirodopolzovaniya, postoyannogo razvitiya i tekhnogennoy bezopasnosti regionov” IPPE NANU. Dnipropetrovsk: 2009. – P. 170–172.

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 792.33 KB Download 1407


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