Modern science management: spiritual values aspect
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 19 February 2013
- Published on 16 November 2012
- Hits: 4857
Yu.O. Shabanova, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Philosophy Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
The problem of a modern condition of a science which requires philosophical reconsideration and sociocultural changes is put in a basis. The author suggests through audit of object, subject and purpose of a science to reconsider its applicability in evolutionary formation of culture. Therefore, it is applied historical and philosophic analysis of appearance and development scientistic paradigm culminated in the positivistic doctrine of XX century. In terms of ideological restrictions of the paradigm, the author of the article puts the task of definition of bases of evolutionary development of the science of the future by definition of principles of science management. Using methods of comparative and system analysis of modern theories of science management, the author formulates principles of the scientific activity organization on the basis of which revival of fundamental approaches in the scientific environment is possible.
In the article progressive value of the university-based science, in contrast to the closed corporate science, has the following advantages: more options for continuity of scientific schools which find the young followers brought up at the university; a creative atmosphere of permanent conferences, seminars, academic councils open for participation of young scientists including students. Also the author specifies some disadvantages of the university-based science, overcoming of which can contribute into its development.
Addressing to definition of a science as way of opening of new knowledge, the author addresses to a problem of its criteria, through comparison of such concepts as ‘knowledge-information’, ‘knowledge-idea’, ‘knowledge-opinion’. The status of research university as a synthesis of education, science and production is the most progressive form of realization of new opportunities of the science. That is why the author relies on the project of the Berlin University which consistently implements Wilhelm Gumbold’s offers concerning organic unity of a pure science, society needs and interests of each person.
Drawing conclusions about a urgent need of anthropological turn in a science, the author of article emphasizes necessity of strengthening of ethical aspect of the science and accentuation of requirements to personal qualities of a science manager, specifying ten main principles of his activity, and criteria of formation of scientific elite of the future.
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