Study of dynamical-informational characteristics of exterior contour of drilling column moving drive

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V.S. Khilov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Metrology and Information-Measuring Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine the qualitative and quantitative indices of the exterior movement regulation contour of drilling electromechanical system.

Methodology. Reliable methods of frequency analysis, differential analysis, operational calculus, the theories of matrices and matrix conversions, theories of multiloop systems automatic regulation, decompositions served the basis of the research.

Findings. The frequency analysis of the characteristics of the control object dynamic elements of the rotation frequency contour of the electrohydromechanical drive responsible for round-trip of drilling tube of roller-bit drilling machine has been carried out. Dynamic properties of radial hydro pump and hydraulic motor with speed reduction unit and rope-polyspast system has been taken into account. Dynamic properties of fast-acting regulated electric drive has been taken into account in the system ‘converter of frequency – asynchronous engine’ with pass band of the rotation frequency contour up to 100 radian per second. It has been found that mechanical dynamic unit of the rotation frequency contour of the drive when hydraulic system and rope-polyspast transmissions are available is described by transmission function with the characteristic equation of fifth order with variable coefficients. Logarithmic amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of the additional unit of the rotation frequency contour have been studied taking into account forces of dissipation and with the maximal lengths of ropes and masses of column. The distribution of zeroes and the poles of the object of control have been established. Naikvist’s locus and the reaction of closed loop of rotation frequency customized on modular optimum in case the characteristic frequencies of additional dynamic link hit the low-frequency area of pass band t of the rotation frequency contour during moves of drilling tube composed of four bars and with complete length of rope.

Originality. For the first time the influence of the electrohydromechanical system of round-trip operations of drilling tube on the quality of the control rotation frequency contour of the movement drive has been determined.

Practical value. Received results allow estimation of the regulation contour of the linear speed of drilling line movement quality indicators on the base of initial data of the control object.


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6. Хилов В.С. Собственные частоты колебаний разомкнутого контура тока привода спуско-подъемных операций бурового станка. / Хилов В.С. // Гірн. електромеханіка та автоматика: наук.–технічн. зб. – 2005.– Вип. 74 – С. 147–150.

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