Elastic, inelastic and time constant measurement for M102 (AL–C–O) dispersions-reinforced aluminum alloys

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Khaleel Abushgair, orcid.org/0000-0002-2992-0332, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AlBalqa Applied University, Amman, Jordan, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2021, (5): 061 - 066



To conduct an experimental study on M102 aluminum alloy bulk content characterization under cyclic loadings for precision applications such as balance machines, optical, and laser instruments. M102 (AL-C-O) dispersion-reinforced aluminum alloy was chosen because of its ability to withstand temperatures beyond 200C and has a better strength than precipitation-hardened Al alloys at room temperature. A CNC milling machine is used to manufacture test samples with longitudinal machining directions. A constant time interval is set for the fabric a quarter-hour span, which is based on the investigation of inelastic and plastic deformations in the nanoscale.

An electromagnetic test instrument applies a tensile stress range of 10 to 145 N/mm2 to samples with particular shape. It should be noted that interferometers and capacitive sensors were used to measure all forms of deformations with and without loading. The experiments are carried out in a temperature-stable environment of 30.5 C; measurements are taken within a residual strain range of 10 microns.

The results obtained show that results for inelastic deformations for samples of longitudinal cuts direction at 30.5 C were measured under 150 N/mm2 stress as 500 nm inelastic deformation and 100 nm plastic deformation were measured, which is much higher than aluminum alloy studied before at room temperature (20 C). Furthermore, it was found that the time constant of the M102 (ALCO) aluminum alloy samples was double times higher than that for other samples,

For the first time, a study has been conducted on inelastic and plastic deformations in the nanoscale for characterization of M102 aluminum alloy bulk content under cyclic loadings for precision applications.

Practical value.
One of the main factors affecting the using of other materials than steel in precision applications such as balance machines, optical, and laser instruments is measurement and determination of inelastic, plastic and time constant of the process of delamination of materials of different aluminum alloys since they are nonmagnetic, are easily machined and shaped. This will bring new products and opportunities for these materials.

M102 (AL-C-O) aluminum alloy, inelastic deformation, plastic deformation, time constant, cyclic loadings


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