Comprehensive solution of recycling waste from stone processing industry
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- Category: Environmental Safety, Labour Protection
- Last Updated on 01 September 2019
- Published on 19 August 2019
- Hits: 2911
А.O.Bondarenko, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
R.P.Naumenko, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),, Zhytomyr Regional State Administration, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Development of integrated technological solutions for utilization, accumulation and processing of wastes of the stone-processing industry with the production of marketable products with commercial value.
Methodology. Technological solutions have been applied for separate utilization, transportation, storage and processing of granular waste of the stone-processing industry in accordance with their initial size.
Findings. The technological rationality of separate delivery and warehousing to temporary warehouses in the form of storage pits no more than 2.5 m high (with site arrangement between them of large-scale waste rubbish and medium and small stone cuttings) by specialized dump trucks equipped with grabbing petrol buckets and dump-shaped reinforced bodies is substantiated. The technology of the preparation of oversized raw materials for further grinding using crushing equipment on a mobile chassis is described, using hydraulic hammers as a hydraulic excavator attachment. The rationality of the application of the technology for the collection, transportation and drainage of primary sludge by means of specialized automobile chassis-slurry trucks equipped with a mobile slurry container was substantiated. The peculiarities of two-stage processing of primary sludge і considered with the provision of their drainage first in Mobile Slurry Containers, then on secondary drainage sites and final cleaning from fine-dispersed impurities and the receipt of the commercial product in the form of artificial sand by washing. As a result of experimental and industrial testing and testing of the technology of the mobile slurry container filling, the technological rationality of the use of mobile slurry containers is determined.
Originality. For the first time, a technology of recycling and two-stage sequential processing of primary sludges, which are man-made waste of stone-making production with deriving a commercial product in the form of artificial sand, is developed.
Practical value. Research and industrial testing of the technology of the mobile slurry container filling with sludge with the subsequent washing of the drained granular material has been performed. The performed research studies allowed quantifying the technological rationality of two-stage processing of primary sludge using mobile slurry containers and gravity hydraulic classifiers.
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