Integration of a differential heat conduction equation to determine thermal load of a disk brake of a mine locomotive

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A.G. Monya, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Senior Lecturer, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine analytically the temperature field arising in basic elements of a disk brake of the mine locomotive, as function of time and coordinates at performance of frictional overlays in the form of ring sector. It will allow carrying out numerical calculations of temperature in any point of the brake plate and frictional overlays at various modes of braking of the mine locomotive by the disk brake.

Methodology. For theoretical determination of temperature of elements of a brake mechanism the highest accuracy is achieved by the methods based on the analytical decision of the equation of heat conductivity. The analytical decision of a problem concerning determination of the temperature field arising in a brake disk and frictional overlays, executed in the form of ring sector of disk brake of the mine locomotive as functions of time and coordinates was resulted. For the analytical decision of the differential equation of heat conductivity in cylindrical coordinates integrated transformations of Laplas, Hankel with application of the theory of the generalized variables and a similarity method were used.

Findings. The given decision allows carrying out numerical calculations of temperature in any point of a brake disk and frictional overlays at various modes of breaking of the mine locomotive by disk brake and can be used for selection of rational parameters and working out of new designs of brake systems.

Originality. For the first time the analytical decision of a problem of non-stationary heat conductivity determination of the temperature field arising in a brake disk and frictional overlays executed in the form of ring sector of a disk brake of the mine locomotive on the basis of which the dependence of relative temperature on a surface of friction of the brake disk on time at cyclic braking was received.

Practical value. It is shown, that the maximum temperature on the friction surface of the disk reached in the end of braking becomes stable since the third cycle including braking to a full stop and dispersal. For the initial data corresponding to real working conditions of the disk brake of the mine locomotive, the maximum temperature on the friction surface of the disk does not exceed 72% from admissible value.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2012 Contents No.3 2012 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Integration of a differential heat conduction equation to determine thermal load of a disk brake of a mine locomotive