Actualization of the scientific principles elaboration on evaluating the risks of occupational danger occurrence

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A.Bochkovskyi, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.,, Odesa National Polytechnic University, Odesa, Ukraine, e‑mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Substantiation of the urgency of the scientific principles elaboration on evaluating risks of occupational danger occurrence for use in the occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMs).

Methodology. The research on risk evaluation of occupational danger occurrence problem has been conducted by means of study with subsequent theoretical analysis of:

- the normative legal documents of Ukraine concerning risk management in the occupational safety field;

- risks evaluation purposes;

- methodology of risk identification;

- procedures and steps of evaluating risks of occupational danger occurrence.

Findings. The legal documents concerning both the risk evaluation and management regarding occupational danger occurrence were analyzed. On the basis of the analysis, the problems concerning the purposes, terminology and methodology of risk evaluation processes were revealed. The analysis of the main stages of general risk evaluation was conducted and system problems were identified which significantly influence the evaluation implementation quality and objectivity and concurrently cast doubt upon feasibility of evaluation procedures within existing standards. The urgency of the scientific principles elaboration on evaluating the risks of occupational danger occurrence was substantiated, which will essentially contribute to the evaluation procedure simplification as well as to improvement of its quality and objectivity of implementation.

Originality. For the first time, the urgency of the issue was substantiated; both principles and directions for the scientific principles elaboration on evaluation of risks of occupational danger occurrence are formulated for use in the occupational safety management systems in Ukraine and internationally.

Practical value. The obtained results will be used as an analytic basis contributing to elaboration of scientific principles of risk evaluation regarding occupational danger occurrence.


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