On the influence of the density of laser beam energy on the sensitivity of explosive substances to laser radiation
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- Category: Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing
- Last Updated on 07 January 2019
- Published on 26 December 2018
- Hits: 3250
O.L.Kyrychenko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), orcid.org/0000-0002-1331-9323, State Enterprise Research-Industrial Complex “Pavlohrad Chemical Plant”, Pavlohrad, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Determining the patterns of distribution of energy density over the laser beam diameter and the features of influence of beam diameter on the change in sensitivity of explosives to laser pulsed radiation.
Methods. Experimental investigations of initiation of explosion of certain initiating explosives which are light-sensitive to the action of laser radiation. Analysis and synthesis of investigation results.
Findings. The experimental investigations have been carried out and the results have been assessed. The functional independence of the size effect on the laser generation has been determined.
Originality. It has been established that the values of the threshold energy density and the critical density of the minimum threshold energy of initiation of lead azide samples in the form of pre-compressed powder and microparticles distributed in the polymer matrix depend on the diameter of the laser beam. As the diameter increases, the threshold energy density of initiation decreases sharply, while the critical density of the minimum threshold energy of initiation rises. The patterns are maintained regardless of the way the samples are made. The function of the distribution of irradiance in the volume of explosive does not depend on the laser power density. The increase in the optical strength of the diffusing medium with a decrease in the laser beam ‒ medium interaction zone is associated with a decrease in the number of absorbing microinhomogeneities, and is accompanied by a sharp increase in the statistical dispersion of the experimental data. In this case the medium is diffusive, so the initiation occurs at a certain depth, where a dispersion halo is able to form.
Practical value. The method of laser excitation of detonation is a promising for application to various means of initiation, in particular, when blasting charges from explosive microvolumes to the simultaneous detonation of the whole explosive surface with an area of several square meters.
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