Contents 06 2018
- Details
- Category: Contents №6 2018
- Last Updated on 07 January 2019
- Published on 07 January 2019
- Hits: 2836
Geology |
5 |
M.V.Ruzina, O.A.Tereshkova, N.V.Bilan, I.V.Zhyltsova.Non-kimberlitic sources of diamonds and prospects of their discovery in the ukrainian shield |
5 |
P.V.Yermolov, Ye.V.Ponomareva, V.S.Portnov.Age and geodynamics of the Irtysh shear zone |
13 |
Mining |
20 |
M.I.Stupnik, V.O.Kalinichenko, M.B.Fedko, О.V.Kalinichenko.Investigation into crown stability at underground leaching of uranium ores |
20 |
B.Yu.Sobko, O.V.Denyschenko, O.V.Lozhnikov, V.A.Kardash.The belt conveyor effectiveness at the rock haulage under flooded pit excavations |
26 |
I.G.Sаkhno, S.V.Sаkhno.Research on a new method for non-adhesive fixing of rockbolts |
33 |
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing |
40 |
A.I.Fateyev, T.G.Shendrik, S.S.Polishchuk, N.I.Dunayevska.The energy technological background of involving salty coals into energy balance of Ukraine. 1. Composition of water extracts and the prospects for their utilization |
40 |
O.L.Kyrychenko.On the influence of the density of laser beam energy on the sensitivity of explosive substances to laser radiation |
48 |
O.Kamli, A.Boutaleb, M.Hacini, M.C.Djouama.Effect of explosive charge-blast distance interaction on ground damage (Boukhadra mine, Algeria) |
57 |
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building |
65 |
S.V.Frolenkova, V.I.Vorobyova, T.A.Overchenko, M.I.Skiba.Ecologically safe modified solutions for deposition of conversion coatings on steel |
65 |
Ye.I.Kryzhanivskyi, I.I.Paliichuk, H.D.Malyk.Large deformations of the casing string under its own weight in the curvilinear well |
72 |
Electrical Complexes and Systems |
80 |
O.Svietkina, V.Protsiv, O.Bohdanov, K.Bas.Mechanochemical synthesis of additives for cathode material of lithium-ion traction batteries |
80 |
Power Supply Technologies |
88 |
S.Remli, M.Bounouala, I.Rouaiguia.Experimentation of an evaporation-crystallization process of solar salt from Merouane Chott (South-East Algeria) |
88 |
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection |
95 |
A.Bochkovskyi.Actualization of the scientific principles elaboration on evaluating the risks of occupational danger occurrence |
95 |
S.I.Cheberiachko, A.V.Yavorskyi, O.O.Yavorska, V.V.Tykhonenko.Evaluating the risks of occupational respiratory diseases of coal mine workers |
104 |
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration |
112 |
H.H.Shvachych, O.V.Ivaschenko, Ye.Ye.Fedorov, Yu.L.Dikova.Forecasting the aerogas state of mine atmosphere with application of artificial neural networks |
112 |
Economy and Management |
118 |
O.P.Vasylchenko, O.S.Lotiuk, N.Y.Gut.Civil society as the subject of formation of state policy in the sphere of subsoil use and protection |
118 |
V.Zarosylo, Yu.Korostashyvets, L.Maksymova, S.Nechyporuk.Features of the legal protection of property rights in Ukraine and the European Union |
124 |
V.O.Onyshchenko, T.M.Zavora, O.M.Filonych.The sociological measuring in the implementation of measures of energy efficiency and energy conservation of housing facilities |
131 |
O.B.Chernega, S.V.Voloshynа, L.D.Kostakova.Paradigm of marginal analysis of profits of enterprises with a multiple productive process |
139 |
L.R.Strutynska, I.S.Aftanaziv, O.I.Strogan, N.V.Ortynska.Determining the sites of optimal location of regional logistics centers |
148 |
Energy efficiency manegement for sustainable development in industrial sector |
156 |
V.Shvets, L.Palekhovа, D.Palekhov, S.Simon.Energy efficiency criteria as a focus for market-driven strategies of large companies in transition economies |
157 |
D.Palekhov, L.Palekhovа.Methodical approaches to increasing the energy efficiency of global value chains |
165 |
E.Stepovaja, Yu.Holik, K.Fraňa.Methods for precautionary management for environmental safety at energy facilities |
173 |