Assessment of coal mine waste dumps development priority

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M. V. Petlovanyi, Cаnd. Sc. (Tech.),, Nаtiоnаl Mining University, Dniprо, Ukrаine, e-mаil: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

V. Yu. Medianyk, Cаnd. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.,, Nаtiоnаl Mining University, Dniprо, Ukrаine, e-mаil: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Assessment of waste dumps development priority for different coal mining areas on the basis of a comprehensive and comparative analysis of their technological, environmental and economic indicators.

Methodology. The paper is based on a comprehensive approach, including analysis of government statistics data on waste accumulation, waste handling sites, the method of expert and integrated assessment, statistical processing methods, photographs of the Google Earth aerospace image program.

Findings. With the help of the expert analysis method, the worth coefficients of each of the nine proposed waste dumps indicators have been established, which enable accurate consideration of their significance in assessing the priority of their development. Integral coefficients characterizing waste dumps are obtained and the order of their gradual involvement into the industrial development is recommended.

Originality. Sphere of integral estimation method application for the new objects – man-made mineral dumps and determining the order of their development – has been expanded. For the first time, the worth coefficients for the complex of technological, economic and environmental indicators were revealed with the expert analysis method for substantiation of the appropriateness of the man-made mineral waste dumps developing priority. For the first time, a priority range of the waste dumps development in the Western Donbas mines has been compiled, which makes it possible to establish rational sequence of putting the dumps in service.

Practical value. The compilation of industrial waste dumps development priority ranges will allow selecting those formations that occupy key positions in the range of their quantitative and qualitative indicators. On the basis of priority series of man-made waste dumps, it becomes possible to create an objective approach to the concept of their industrial development at the state and regional levels.


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