Investigation of stress-strain state of packet node connection in spatial vibration shakers
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- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 17 July 2018
- Published on 03 July 2018
- Hits: 4860
V. P. Shpachuk, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.,, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M. A. Zasiadko, Assoc. Prof.,, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V. V. Dudko, State Enterprise “Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Purpose. Using the study of stress-stain state of the CNs (connection nodes) used in multi-axis translational shakers formed as a package of TEEs (tape elastic elements), to formalize dependencies of their mechanical and structural parameters on the range of operating frequencies and the level of transmitted mechanical loads in the shaker node. Additionally, to take into account the impact of the force reproduced by the node on the elastic deformations of the unit considering that a particular tape unit undergoes bending in two planes, as well as displacement and stretching simultaneously. To develop a method for calculating the structural and mechanical parameters of the considered CNs regarding the known values of amplitude and frequency parameters yielded by the stand of dynamic loads.
Methodology. The study is based on the fundamental approaches of applied mechanics, modeling theory, machine dynamics and vibration reliability.
Findings. Dependences of thickness, length and width of the tape elastic elements, as well as their number in the package and the number of packages in the connection node in the direction of the transmitted vibration on the given stiffness and strength characteristics are obtained. A method is developed for calculating structural and mechanical parameters of the elastic elements, taking into account the specified parameters of the amplitude and frequency characteristics of strains reproduced by the stand.
Originality. For the first time, a technique is proposed for calculating structural parameters (thickness, length, width of the tape, the number of elastic elements in the package, the number of packages in the CN) and the mechanical characteristics (compliance of the package, the endurance limit of the elastic element material) of the CN, taking into account the frequency range specified by the regulatory document and the levels of vibrational loads reproduced on the platform of the stand. In this case, the stress-strain state of each elastic element of the package includes its work on bending in two planes, displacement and stretching and satisfies the strength and rigidity conditions of the CN altogether. Taking into account the requirements for the preset rigidity of the package in the non-operational direction, and small value of tape thickness, the conditions of durability and rigidity are eventually satisfied due to the possibility to alter a number of tapes in the package. The stiffness of the package of elastic elements as well as the number of packets in the connection node are determined according to the conditions for carrying out vibration tests in the operating frequency ranges and the levels reproduced on the shaker table of mechanical loads.
Practical value. The use of the considered CNs in the form of TEE packages for jointing the tables of vibration exciters with many degrees of freedomwith a platform and a platform with a fixed base provides the following advantages: simplicity of manufacture; no additional energy costs for their maintenance; light weight that unloads the table suspension of vibration exciters in the non-working direction, which makes them more reliable; linearity of the stiffness of the node in the transmitted vibration direction. In particular, their use as CNs in joined constructive details of different formations increases reliability, durability and maximum weight capacity of machines, equipment and mechanisms used in mining engineering, as well as vibration, aviation, transport and space technologies.
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