Modeling of stress-strain state of fractured rock mass nearby of conjugated workings

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V.V. Pryhodko, Candidate of Technical Science, National Mining University,Senior Lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

N.P. Ulanova, Candidate of Technical Science,National Mining University,Senior Lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Dnipro, Ukraine,


Purpose. To develop numerical algorithms for estimating 3-D stress-strain state of fractured rock massif in the vicinity of conjugation of mine workings.

Methodology. The boundary element method for numerical modeling of stress-strain state of rock massif around cavities of complex shape in anisotropic medium is applied. The peculiarity is a combination of two models (2-D SSS of linear transversally isotropic medium and 3-D SSS of elastic nonhomogeneous medium).

Findings. Effective algorithms to determine 2-D SSS of linear transversally isotropic medium in the vicinity of a mine working (a number of mine workings) of a free form as well as 3-D SSS of elastic nonhomogeneous medium with cavities of complex shape have been developed. These algorithms have been applied to estimate stresses and displacements in the neighborhood of conjugated mine workings, traversed within fractured rocks. Boundaries of residual strength zones formed in the process of a face advance have been defined according to the analysis of stresses distribution up a roof of coal seam being mined; dependence of these zones height on the degree of rock massif weakening and on the longwall geometry has been obtained.

Originality. A new approach to modeling fractured enclosing rocks by means of combining two models (i.e. 2-D anisotropic medium and 3-D isotropic medium with shaped cavities) has been proposed. Algorithms, that implement this approach, have been developed with the help of numerical methods.

Practical value. A technique to forecast rock pressure manifestations in the vicinity of a breakage face has been developed. The technique makes it possible to relate stresses within the considered area of rock mass with such parameters as the main roof fault and load on powered supports in longwall.


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