Evaluation of the effectiveness of piggyback traffic in the context of creating transport and logistics clusters

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N.Y. Shramenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Professor of the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Determination of the scope of effectiveness of piggyback cargo delivery in the international traffic.

Methodology. The scope of efficiency of piggybacked cargo delivery in international traffic is determined using mathematical modeling. Methods of mathematical statistics are used to estimate parameters that are random in character.

Findings. The problems of organizing piggyback transportations in international traffic, having a technical, technological and economic character are revealed. The main trends of the development of piggyback traffic in Ukraine, requiring state support and financing, are identified. It is determined that the law of distribution of service intensity at the Border Inspection Post is exponential, the intensity of service is 1.83 veh/hour; the law of time distribution for loading cars onto platforms is normal, with a mathematical expectation of 0.712 hours and a standard deviation of 0.24 hours. A rational distance of piggyback traffic in international traffic is determined, which corresponds to 307 km and over. Practical recommendations on the rationalization of the technological process of interaction between the road and rail transport with the help of an automated heuristic system, which makes it possible to determine the rational technology for delivery of goods in international traffic, taking into account the minimization of the total time for delivery of goods are offered.

Originality. Dependences of specific costs on transportation distance with the help of which it is possible to determine the rational transport-technological scheme of cargo delivery under given conditions are obtained. The schedule of technological process of functioning of both production and transport, assuming the coordinated technology of work of interconnected enterprises at the organization of piggyback delivery in conditions of transport-logistical cluster functioning is offered. It is proposed to carry out the transfer of information on the movement of a loaded car using a GPS tracker.

Practical value. Dependences of unit costs on the distance of transportation make it possible to quickly estimate the cost of delivering goods in international traffic for alternative transport-technological schemes. The use of an automated heuristic system that allows determining the rational technology of piggyback transport, taking into account the minimization of the total time for delivery of goods, makes it possible to make managerial decisions in the event of an unforeseen situation by making adjustments to the existing technology. The schedule of the technological process of functioning of both production and transport preconditions the possibility of rationalizing the technological process of road and rail transport interaction at the organization of piggyback cargo delivery.


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