Computational modeling in research of ignition mechanism of explosives by laser radiation

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V.V. Sobolev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,, National Mining University, Professor of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics, Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: velo1947@

L.M. Shyman, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director – Chief Designer of State Enterprise Research-Industrial Complex “Pavlohrad Chemical Plant”, Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of Ukraine, Pavlohrad, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M.M. Nalysko, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor,, Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Associate Professor of the Vital Activity Safety Department, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:

O.L. Kyrychenko, Candidate of Technical Science, State Enterprise Research-Industrial Complex “Pavlohrad Chemical Plant”, Chief Technology Officer, Pavlohrad, Ukraine


Purpose. To give a theoretical description of laser propagation in energy-saturated photosensitive composites as in diffuse scattering media with close packed scatterers.

Methodology. Analysis and generalization of theoretical research. The Monte Carlo method of direct statistical modeling has been applied. A computational study of the process of scattering of photons in photosensitive energy-saturated composites has been carried out, the results of the computational study have been analyzed.

Findings. The results of computation of the illuminance for diffuse scattering media (DSM) by the Monte Carlo method have been presented. In particular, it has been determined that the initiation of highly sensitive explosives and photosensitive composites can not be explained based on the concepts of a multiple increase in volumetric illumination within a diffuse scattering medium with respect to the surface one, since such an increase is unfeasible. However, the light regime in a diffuse scattering medium is one of the determining factors for the ignition of explosives by laser radiation.

Originality. The diffuse reflection factor of DSM mainly depends on the photon survival rate and the refraction index. For each DSM there is a limiting value of the laser beam radius beginning with which the spatial illuminance does not change with the increase in the laser beam radius r. It is shown that with the increase in the bunch concentration in samples of photosensitive explosives (VS), the depth of the material layer with high values of illuminance increases. Moreover, the growth rate is inversely proportional to the beam radius. This regularity is well correlated with observed experimental dependence of VS sensitivity on the bunch concentration. Thus, in case of initiation of substance of VS2 grade with a 1.5 mm diameter laser beam, the sensitivity increased approximately by a factor of 2 with an increase in the bunch concentration from 10 to 20‒30 %, while for a 4.5 mm diameter beam the sensitivity growth was ~ 13 %.

Practical value. The results of theoretical research were used when making laboratory samples of the optical detonator and during the research on actuation of optical detonators depending on the energetic and geometric characteristics of the laser beam.


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