Effect of mutually amplifying action of two coordinate shock loading in problems of dynamics of knots of machines
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- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 19 January 2017
- Published on 19 January 2017
- Hits: 3753
V.P.Shpachuk, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. To define and analyze patterns of influence on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of mutually reinforcing action of two components of the kinematic coordinate shock loading on the vibration amplitude of the object at the control points on the basis of two-parameter amplitude-down hole-time characteristics.
Methodology. The study is based on fundamental approaches of applied mechanics, theory of modeling and vibration reliability. The pre-set parameters include inertial, dissipative and elastic characteristics of the test object, coordinates of its reference points while varied parameters are time parameters of two-dimensional external mechanical shock action, design factors of a supporting structure as well of the object itself and its pre-set reference points.
Findings. Factors of influence of the parameters of the two coordinate impact while testing the facilities of the spatial structure for vibration reliability are introduced, dependence of the quantities and gradient signs of changes in these factors on the design parameters of the supporting structure of the test object and geometric coordinates of the reference point on the object and the supporting structure (e.g., a platform of a many coordinate shaker).
Originality. For the first time, quantitative and qualitative patterns of influence factors dependence on the parameters of the two coordinate external mechanical loading, the test object and the support structure are defined for objects of the spatial structure based on two-parameter amplitude-downhole-time characteristics. As a measure of mutually increasing action of parameters of two-coordinate shock loading, it is suggested to use the influence coefficients described through amplitudes, duration and inter-coordinate temporal delay of shock influences.
Practical value. The examined shock influences in practice result in the refuses of the real objects of mining machinery manufacturing, aviation, transport and space machinery regarding stability of functioning and durability. For the particular assembly machines, the results are used when determining the regulatory regime of bench tests for multicoordinate impact force, which improves durability and reliability in operation.
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