Identification models and algorithms for adaptive PID-regulators of automated system of professional certification

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N.O. Rizun, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Alfred Nobel Dnipropetrovsk University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Formalization of mathematic models and algorithms of identification of a testee as a PID-regulator as part of the automated system of professional attestation.

Methodology. The research methodology is based on the theory of automatic control and the theory of pedagogic testing.

Findings. The research results are as follows: identification of a testee as a link in the contour of management of the process of testing professional attestation with the feedback, used for supporting the set value of the measurable knowledge level; formalization of mathematic models of the system of management of the session of automated professional attestation in the regime of testee’s education and in the regime of energy saving in the managed system.

Originality lies in the statement and solution of the problem of modeling of the processes dynamic in the self-adjustment of a testee during the testing session by means of identification and mathematic formalization of the algorithm of sequence of testing tasks supply in the order of descending of the level of examined professional readiness, as well as of the criteria of optimization of the following indices: quality (effectiveness) of the study process (educability) of a testee; degree of self-realization (self-expression) of a testee during identification of the real level of testee’s professional skills and abilities; energy saving on the controlled system (minimization of actual time of testing session passing).

Practical value. Development of the following algorithms: adjustment of PUD-regulator (testee) parameters in the regime of study with the minimal degree of deviation from the set study path; adjustment of PUD-regulator (testee) parameters in the regime of maximum self-realization with maximum saving of time, actually spent during the testing session.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2012 Contents No.5 2012 Information technologies, systems analysis and administration Identification models and algorithms for adaptive PID-regulators of automated system of professional certification