Mathematical simulation of gas mixture forsed ignition for the calculation of the damaging factors of emergency explosion
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- Category: Environmental safety, labour protection
- Last Updated on 19 November 2016
- Published on 17 November 2016
- Hits: 4050
A.V.Chernai, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Prof., State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, Dnipro, Ukraine, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M.M.Nalysko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., State Higher Education Establishment “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipro, Ukraine, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Selection and substantiation of the method of calculating the parameters of the ignition of gas mixtures with a heated body, the calculation of parameters and the evaluation of the reliability of performance of the established criteria for the initiation of the gas explosion.
Methodology. Mathematical simulation, numerical experiment, analysis and synthesis of the results.
Findings. The task of unsteady-state conduction problem of finding the temperature distribution in the thermal layer, near a source of ignition of air-gas mixture was set. Boundary conditions for a spherical source of ignition were defined. To solve the problem it was proposed to use the method of integral heat balance in which the thermal conductivity equation is replaced by the integral heat balance. Solutions of this equation are sought in the form of a polynomial of the second degree, i.e., the desired temperature profile in the thermal layer is represented as a quadratic parabola. As a result, an equation of the parabola as a dependence of temperature on the coordinates, time, heat capacity and heat generation from the ignition source is obtained. This solution allowed determining the effect of thermal oxidation of methane and, on that basis showing the convergence of the numerical method with the results of the analytical solution.
Originality. On the basis of the theory of thermal ignition and quasi-static approach, an analytical solution of the problem is found by methods of the integral balance, non-stationary temperature distribution in the thermal layer near a source of ignition of air-gas mixture. The thermal effect of oxidation of methane near a source of ignition is defined and the convergence of the numerical method of calculation of parameters of shock airwaves with the results of the analytical solution in terms of performance of the ignition criterion is shown.
Practical value. The resulting solution makes it possible to analyze the accuracy of the computing process methods of numerical simulation of gasdynamic parameters of shock waves in the air of the initiation of combustion and explosion of gas-air mixtures. The analysis of the accuracy of the computational process allows the use of numerical methods in practical calculations of finding a safe distance from the centers of the explosion in the liquidation or predicting the consequences of accidents.
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