Improved performance electrode basedon activated carbon for electrochemicalenergy sources

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B.P.Bakhmatyuk, Cand. Sc. (Chem.), Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

I.Ya.Dupliak, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Ya.M.Voytovich, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine


Purpose. To investigate the effectiveness of the commercial activated carbon material “Norit DLC Super 30” as an electrode for electrochemical energy sources in 25 % aqueous solution of ZnBr2.

Methodology. For the research standard electrochemical methods of galvanostatic charge-discharge and cyclic voltammetry was used.

Findings. Theoretical adsorption isotherms of bromine and depending of specific pseudocapacity on the fractional surface coverage of bromine on the nanoporous activated carbon material “Norit DLC Super 30” was built. Using data of galvanostatic charge-discharge at a current density from 5 to 50 mA × cm2 the experimental adsorption isotherms and depending of specific pseudocapacity on the fractional surface coverage was received. The comparison of theoretical and experimental dependences shows that the investigated process is the process of electrosorption according to Frumkin model with parameter of interatomic interactions in adsorption layer (g = 0.5). The Ragone depending of the electrode in the system of electrochemical energy source was studied. The increase of specific power (P) from 1.1 to 9.6W × g1 leads to a slight decrease of specific energy (W ) from 2251 to 2056J × g1. The obtained experimental value of W is equal to 84 % of the theoretical value of WTheor.

Originality. The effectiveness of the electrode based on commercial activated carbon material “Norit DLC Super 30” in the system of electrochemical energy source and the mechanism of bromine electrosorption process on the surface of microporous activated carbon material was studied for the first time.

Practical value. The obtained high values of specific power, energy, capacity and electrode performance based on commercial activated carbon material “Norit DLC Super 30” can be considered as a promising positive electrode for electrochemical energy source.

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Date 2016-11-15 Filesize 686.94 KB Download 926


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