Numerical experiments on determination of maximal stresses of non-reinforcement cut drums of mine winders

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Ye.N. Sosnina, State Higher Educational Institution „National mining university“, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To solve the technical problem of increase of the mine winder drum strength providing its minimal mass it is necessary to determine the influence of geometrical parameters on the stress-strain state of non-reinforced cut drum by means of the numerical experiment method.

Methodology. The literary sources have been analyzed, and previous researches have been summarized while substantiating the choice of parameters for investigation. Methods of mathematical and computer modeling, including finite-element models, and methods of planning of two-factor experiment and theoretical analysis were used for determination of the influence of the parameters on the stress-strain state of the drum loaded by the pressure of wound rope.

Findings. The important factors for numerical experiment have been determined. Dependence of the maximum stress intensity on forehead location and its thickness in the jammed part and on forehead location in adjustable part has been set as a result of numerical experiment. Relevant recommendations on the thickness and location of foreheads have been suggested.

Originality. It is established that the maximum stresses may occur in compressed or bended areas of the shell for different forehead locations. Thus, while the forehead is close to cut plane the maximal stresses of the largest annular compression are dominating, and while the forehead is distant from cut plane the maximal bending stresses are dominating. While the distance between forehead and cut plane equals to three grooves the stresses of two types are even to each other and load is minimal. In this case, if the forehead thickness is 20 mm and more its increase doesn’t influence the drum stress, but there is a sharp increase in stresses with decrease of thickness below 20 mm.

Practical value. Recommendations concerning implementation of rational construction of non-reinforced cut drums of mine winders.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2012 Contents No.5 2012 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Numerical experiments on determination of maximal stresses of non-reinforcement cut drums of mine winders