Industrial cluster evolution based on path dependence combining with pso algorithm

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D.Krivosheev, School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China

Jiang Minghui, School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China


Purpose. Specific to the existing defects of the industrial cluster research studies at home and abroad, the paper analyzed the evolutionary process based on the PSO algorithm.

Methodology. An industrial cluster evolution mold was established based on path dependence combining with PSO algorithm. A simulation analysis was performed on the mold algorithm established in the paper.

Findings. The results have revealed that the mold presented in the paper can be applied for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the evolvement rule of the industrial cluster. In addition, it can be seen from the case simulation results that with appropriate governmental macro regulation and control, as well as equilibrium state of competition and cooperation between enterprises, the eventual industrial cluster will mainly tend to be an enterprise model maintaining the existing market share and expanding production. When the governmental macro regulation and control is over-sized or excessively small, or the competition and cooperation between enterprises are under non-equilibrium state, the final industrial cluster will tend to be an enterprise model to develop new products and new markets.

Originality. While studying the evolutionary process of the industrial cluster, the existing research studies still remain the qualitative discussion stage for the production process and evolution rules of the industrial cluster. The research studies are not sufficiently profound and can hardly describe the dynamic effects of the industrial cluster quantitatively. Consequently, the paper correlates the PSO algorithm and the self-organizing characteristics of the industrial cluster. Combined with the theory of path dependence, it successfully simulated the evolution of the industrial cluster by adopting the PSO algorithm.

Practical value. The simulation analysis result of the paper can effectively analyze the evolutionary process of the industrial cluster. It can qualitatively simulate the evolution characteristics and rules of the industrial cluster. Furthermore, it can provide a new analysis thought for the academic research of the industrial cluster.

References/Список літератури

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