Direct and inverse problems of gravimetry with regard for own gravitational field absorption by planets

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P.A. Minenko, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Krivorozhsky Teacher Training Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution “Kryvorizkyi National University”, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine the intensity of display of the effect of gravitational radiation (GR) absorption by rocks, using natural laboratories of the type “Earth” together with the gravitational field measured on their surface (GF). To reach the purpose it is necessary to receive formulas for planetary gravimetry direct and inverse problems solution taking into account various schemes of own GR absorption by planets.

Methodology. Ambiguity of solution of the inverse problems for hydrocarbons and other mineral deposits prospecting using GF requires raising accuracy of absorption parameters estimations received earlier. If the absorption is very intensive, the GR from oil and gas structures and ore deposits occurring at depths of 1–10 km will be completely screened by the covering rocks. In that case the attempts of gravimetry prospecting will be useless. If the absorption is too low, it is possible to consider every gravitational anomaly as the one created by local changes of density in earth crust caused by deposits. Estimations of the linear density factor of the GR absorption received by various experimental data differ from 10-9 to 10-24 m2/kg. That is why for solution of the inverse problems the author has used experimentally measured values of GF on poles and equators of planets, and for direct problems – exponent distribution of the linear density factor with the indicator in negative first degree for linear model of the environment, and squared one for nonlinear. The received equations have been solved rather linear density factor.

Findings. The nonlinear model of linear density factor is more useful for the description of the phenomenon of GR absorption.

Originality. On the basis of solutions of the inverse problems for nonlinear models the limits of area of appearance of linear density factor for planets lie within 10-10–10-13 m2/kg and it can’t essentially shield an oil, gas and ore deposits. Therefore gravitational field interpretation can be carried out under the formulas which do not take into account the GR absorption that is much easier and more effective.

Practical value. The received conclusion allows us to prospect mineral deposits at any possible depths with the help of gravimetry by using formulas more economical for calculations, without account taken of the phenomenon of GR absorption.


1. Михайлов И.Н. Гравитация и гравиразведка / И.Н. Михайлов // Геофизика. – 2005. – №1. – С. 38–49.

Mikhaylov, I.N. (2005), “Gravitation and gravimetry”, Geophysics, no.1, pp. 38–49.

Date 2013-10-17 Filesize 316.39 KB Download 1491


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