Neutral network system for continuous voltage monitoring in electric arc furnace

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Ya.S.Paranchuk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National University “Lviv Politechnics”, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

R.Ya.Paranchuk, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), National University “Lviv Politechnics”, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Development of mathematical model for operational calculation of instantaneous arc voltages values during melting aimed to determine the current values of the short circuit elements parameters in the arc steel melting furnace.

Methodology. The continuous voltage monitoring algorithm was based on the methods of neural network estimation of power circuit parameters, precise mathematical model of the power circuit, arc gaps and primary sensors of the controlled arc furnace coordinates in three-phase instantaneous coordinates, and the method of arc voltages calculation using numerical integration of nonlinear differential equations system with variable parameters.

Findings. The structure and algorithm of continuous monitoring of voltages have been developed based on principles of neural network parameter identification. The structural and parametric syntheses of neural networks have been performed. The numerical model of the arc voltages monitoring system have been created and the precision of the instantaneous voltage monitoring have been studied. The increase of the voltage measurements precision was proved.

Originality. The mathematical model of operational calculation of the instantaneous arc voltages values was developed. This model takes into account the current values of the arc furnace short circuit elements parameters, which are continuously identified by neural network during melting. It allows us to improve the accuracy of the continuous arc voltages monitoring.

Practical value. The developed structure of the continuous arc voltage monitoring system, which functions based on the principles of neural network assessment of the parameters of the power circuit elements, allows us to increase the accuracy of the arc voltages calculation, which gives the rationale for its implementation in electric arc furnaces. This will allow us to enhance the dynamic and static accuracy of electric mode coordinates stabilization at a given level and increase several indices of electrotechnological efficiency of melting of heat-resistant steels and precision alloys in such furnaces.

References / Список літератури

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